ERGOSE SA is a subsidiary of OSE founded in 1996, in order to undertake the management of the projects of OSE’s Investment Program, particularly those co-funded by European Union Programs.
Pursuant to Law 3891/2010, “Restructuring, rationalization and development of the OSE Group and TRAINOSE” (article 4), ERGOSE’s responsibilities also include the provision of services for the planning, development, support, management, design, supervision and construction of all kinds of projects in Greece and abroad, as well as carrying out expropriations on behalf of the public sector or other public bodies.
In application of Law 3899/2010 “Urgent measures for the application of the Greek Economy Support Program”, ERGOSE forms part of the Public Companies and Organizations (DEKO) as of December 2010.
Within this framework, ever since it was founded, ERGOSE has been managing all the modernization projects of OSE’s railway lines and facilities co-funded by the 2nd and 3rd Common Strategic Framework (CSF) and by the 1st Cohesion Fund.
ERGA OSE SA manages the modernization projects of OSE’s railway lines and facilities co-funded by the Operational Programs of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013, as well as projects financed solely by national funds directly related to the investments of the co-funded Programs. Moreover, it manages the projects to be co-funded by Programs of the 5th Programming Period, namely the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework (PA) 2014-2020, as well as the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) 2014-2020.
The Company’s activity sectors involve all the activities related to the management of complex co-funded railway projects, namely:
- Planning
- Design elaboration from the stage of reconnaissance study to the detailed design
- Environmental licensing
- Carrying out the necessary land acquisitions
- Tendering construction contracts
- Supervising construction
- Procuring materials for the railway line superstructure
- Quality Control
- Delivering the completed project to the client for operation.
The Company has been providing services for almost 20 years and has ensured the necessary adequacy of organization, structure and systems, so as to carry out the implementation of the co-funded projects in an effective and reliable way. This adequacy is based on the following facts:
- substantial knowhow and experience in the management and supervision of high speed railway infrastructure projects, such as long tunnels excavated through soil under adverse geotechnical conditions, long railway bridges constructed using advanced technology methods (e.g. gradual advancement) and, at the same time, highly advanced seismic design systems (e.g. seismic insulation), installation projects of modern signalling, telecommanding, telecommunications and electrification systems, as well as railway infrastructure projects (with ballasted track and slab track), etc.
- written confirmation of its Management Sufficiency as the Project Beneficiary
- expert and experienced human resources, including certified Project Manager Professionals, pursuant to the relevant standards
- suitable organization of services covering all the sectors required for the execution of the projects (supervision, quality controls, health and safety, supporting services, etc.)
- certified Quality Management System pursuant to ISO 9001:2015
- certified Health & Safety System pursuant to ISO 18001:2007
- innovative Management Information System (MIS) covering all Company operations.