The project includes the construction of a new line (deviation) in the section Polykastro-Eidomeni, approximately 21 km long, of the Thessaloniki-Eidomeni line, with electrification.
In greater detail, the project includes:
- execution of the necessary land acquisitions
- infrastructure for a double railway line, standard gauge
- superstructure for a single line at the present stage
- installation of electrification Construction of the new Polykastro Railway Station and the railway stop Mikro Dassos, as well as upgrading of the exiting Eidomeni RS
The environmental restoration and protection of the slopes (plantation) along the railway line have been completed.
Project Summary
Operational Program (OP) “Railways, Airports, Urban Transportation” 2000-2006 (RAUT)
Operational Program “Accessibility Improvement” (OP-AI) of NSRF 2007-2013 & National Funds
Connecting Europe Facility CEF 2014-2020
Project Cost:
113 mil. Euros
Construction start: 2007
Estimated Project Completion: 2024
Technical Characteristics:
Section length: 21 km
Design speed: 160 kph
1 new Railway Station (Polykastro), 1 renovated Railway Station (Eidomeni) and one new Railway Stop (Mikro Dassos)